Adding Trust Badges to the Cart
Video Transcript
Hello. In this video we're going to add some trust badges to our cart. So here I am in the Shopify admin for my store. And I've already got the badge app added to my store and I've pinned it to my app menu. So I'm going to select Badgezilla.
And it opens up to the Choose Badges menu. And you can see here I have the ability to add badges to the product, the cart, the collection, and the homepage, and I want to add them to the cart. So I'm going to select cart.
Now I don't have any badges added yet, so I want to add some badges. And I'm going to select the Add Badges button. And you'll see it brings up hundreds and hundreds of badges that you can choose from to add to your cart. Now on the cart page, you probably want to have trust badges that are about the transaction.
It could be things about shipping payments secure and those type of badges as opposed to product level badges or brand level badges.
So one of the ones we can start off with here is secure checkout one. So here we have secure ordering. Or you could have SSL secure. You'll notice that sometimes we'll have very similar badges. We just slightly different wording or icons so that you can pick the one that is perfect for your store.
We've also got a powered by Shopify, which obviously for our Shopify stores is not a bad one to add in. And now let's look at one for something like shipping. We got two ships in one day.
We've also got some free shipping ones. So let's say you have free shipping in the United States. Let's look for free. Here we go. Free shipping. So here we have free U.S. shipping. Free shipping with the the U.S. icon. I'm going to pick the free U.S. shipping one. you also see there's another free shipping one here without any, specification on the country. And there's a bunch of other countries you can select from. But now we've got free U.S. shipping, and let's also do one for, satisfaction guaranteed.
Here's one here. Satisfaction hundred percent guaranteed. Now I'm going to say that I'm done with my badges for now. For the cart I'm going to save and close.
And now I can change the order that they show up in if I want to. So you can decide which elements are more important. Satisfaction guarantees. Most important. I can click on this little six dot icon below. And you can see my cursor changes when I hover over that. And I can just drag and move it where I want to move it to and change the order.
They show up, and now it automatically saves that setting when you move them. So if you're done, you can now go into your theme and add these badges to your theme. Now we have a shortcut here to do that, but I'm going to show you how to do it, from the top. And that is to go to your online store, which is under sales channels, online store.
And then you want to go to your live theme and customize that. You're going to want to go into your cart template. And you can pick that from the menu up here. Cart. And then you want to add a section to your cart template. And we're going to under apps here. If you every app that you add that has theme elements you can add in will have its elements show off.
So if you a lot of apps, you'll see a long list of elements here. But I've just got the Magilla app and the store, so I can just click on the bad element and it's going to just show up down here in my cart. Now if I want to, I'm going to move that above the little spacer. So some padding there.
Now if I wanted to I could also move that to the top of the cart. Or even if you wanted to, you could show it twice. You can duplicate the elements, and then you can take the second one and move it down towards the bottom. And you'll see we've got badges at the top and badges at the bottom. If you wanted to do that now I normally wouldn't do that and they wouldn't even put them at the top unless they were really, really important.
So I'm just going to go in and hide the top one for now in the little icon. And now we're going to save that. And now your badges are ready for your customers to view them. So if we go out to the customer facing side of our website to get the car open, I'm going to refresh that page and you'll see our badges show up down here.
And we're going to go into the mobile view and refresh that page. And we've got badges showing up there. Also. So that's how we can add badges to our cart.
Thanks for watching.