Adding Product Badges to a Product Template
Video Transcript
In this video we're going to show you how to add product badges to your product template. So here you can see the product that we're going to add some badges to. We're going to do is going to do our Shopify Admin. And we're going to go down to the Badgezilla app, which I've already pinned to my app list.
Now I've already gone in and configured the badge setting for my badges with the color, the shape and the size. So we're going to right into the choose badges and on the product templates already selected we're going to click on Add Badges. And in this case I'm just going to add a made in Canada badge. And I quickly find it by just going into the search box and putting in the keyword Canada.
And it shows every everything with Canada in it. So I'm gonna click on the Maiden Canada. And most of you are going to use the search box because we have hundreds and hundreds of badges in the app. So to scroll through them all, you know, it takes a little bit of time. So searching is usually an easier way to do it.
The next thing is, you know, our snowboards here that we're working on are made of carbon fiber. So we're gonna have a carbon fiber badge. And they also come with a one year warranty. So I've put in warrants. You can see the different warranties we have. In this case there's two one year warranties. There's a just a one year warranty and a one year limited warranty.
I'm going to say limited warranty. And then we also have a money back guarantee. You see, I have choices here of 30, 60, 90 days or just a generic one. I'm going to pick the 30 day. Now I've, you know, added four badges. And if I go into the search box and deselect it, you'll see it shows all badges and it'll show you the highlighted of the ones that we have picked, so you can see which ones they are.
So if I like my settings or I'm going to save them here, but in the save and close button and now you can see my badges show up here. So now we want to do is we want to add our badges to our product template. So we're going to go into the sales channel online store which in the store here I have it pinned already.
And we're going to click on customize on the live theme. And we're going to go to our product template. You can see we have the default product template here that we've selected. So now what we're going to do is we're gonna go down to section and we have a choice to add. This is a section or a block into the product information section.
So we're going to start off with the section. And you can see the list of sections that are available in your theme. And over on this tab is apps. And there you can see product badges by badges. So we're going to add that in and we'll see. It's show up here. There's our badges showing up. And the other place we have that we can add it is we can add a blog to the product information section.
So we add a blog. Once again you're going to go to the apps tab. You'll see product badges and you can select it. And then you get to choose, you know you can have in both places if you wanted to. Most stores will not. They'll pick one or the other. In this case, with the badges being so large and there being four of them, I think I'm going to prefer to have it as a it's own section and the full width of the product page.
So I'm just going to take the badges block that we added to the information section. And I'm going to hide that for right now instead of just deleting it. Now I like that setting. I'm going to save that.
Now if we go out to the front end of the website, we'll see that our badges are showing up. And in theme customization, if you stay in there, you can actually take that section and move it up and down the page like you can any section and put it at the top of the page, at the bottom of the page, in the middle of content, wherever you want to put it. So you have that level of control over it.
So that's how you add badges to your product template.
Thanks for watching.